Walking Out-of-Term (WOOT) is when a student close to finishing their degree, or a person who has recently finished their degree, requests the privilege of walking in a semester’s ceremony other than the one they are graduating, or have graduated, in.

There are several reasons a person may request to WOOT, including, but not limited to:

  • Health-related hardship associated with their scheduled graduation weekend
  • Military relocation for the graduate or spouse during their scheduled graduation weekend
  • International VISA travel restriction for the graduate or immediate family members associated with their scheduled graduation weekend

Approval of a WOOT request is at the discretion of the college, and subject to the availability of seats in the requested ceremony.

A person approved to WOOT at a ceremony will be permitted to participate in the ceremony as a graduate would; their name will be called, they’ll walk across the stage and shake their dean’s hand. A person WOOTing would take part in the activities involved in the ceremony.

However, persons who are WOOTing are not graduates of that semester, and are not extended additional rights or privileges of graduates of that semester, including, but not limited to:

  • Having their name printed in the commencement program for that semester
  • Receiving a diploma in that semester

Please Note: WOOT applications for the Spring '25 semester are due by Friday, February 14.

Click here to review the full UF WOOT policy.

Application for WOOT Request

To apply to WOOT, fill out the form and submit it to the appropriate person in your college for review.
WOOT Application Deadline: February 14, 2025 

CALS: Dr. Anne Mathews anne.mathews@ufl.edu 
ARTS: Jennifer Hodges jhodges@arts.ufl.edu
DCP: Pat De Jong patricde@dcp.ufl.edu 
EDU: Marcy Davis graduation@coe.ufl.edu 
HHP: Sarah Eberhart seberhart@ufl.edu 
H.W. CoE: Janna Underhill janna@eng.ufl.edu 
J&C: CJC Advising advising@jou.ufl.edu 
CLAS: CLAS Advising CLASgraduation@advising.ufl.edu
MED: Office of Graduate Education UFMedGradEd@ad.ufl.edu
NURS: Kenneth Foote kfoote@ufl.edu 
PHARM: COP Graduate Programs graduateprograms@cop.ufl.edu 
PHHP: Morgan Marvin morganmarvin@phhp.ufl.edu 
VET MED: Sara Rubinstein s.rubinstein@ufl.edu 
WCB: upload the form here WCB Form Upload Page

WOOT 2024 Form